Thursday 7 January 2010

My Story Corner: The Intelligent Farmer

I remember reading this very very old story and thought I would share it with you.
This story is of an intelligent farmer called Rattanlal. His  whole life was devoted to farming . His dexterous hands were skilled to produce best crops in a small village of Uttar Pradesh called 'Rampur'. He had learnt nothing else but farming. He could touch the soil and predict which crop would grow best in that soil.He could tell with the smell of breeze when it would rain.
Rattanlal loved his farm and worked with his whole heart. Farming was his life. He enjoyed ploughing, harvesting and everything that a farmer should do. At the end of the day he came back home a happy man. In return the farm produced good yield which gave them security, prosperity and contentment of his labour.
However, there came a time when global warming hit climatic condition of Rampur too and weather report announced that there would be no rain the whole season except for scanty shower here and there.
Now the farmer was in trouble ! He was quite distressed at the very thought of drought. The whole year will go without farming! What is he going to do? How will he use his time?
He decided to visit his relatives, friends and take family on adventure trips. But it was a drain on his resources. It wasn't feasible to be so spendthrift. He had to save for rainy days. He then decided to give a helping hand in household chores. Gradually as the days went by he became lazy, short tempered and grouchy. His children were scared of him now and would sneak away when Rattanlal was around. He was not the same dad or husband anymore.
The farmer was no fool. He realized it and started pondering over the fact that no farming for a long time would make him forget how to plough.What about the animals ? They will get weak and lazy without any work and exercise!
Next day he took his tools and went to the farm. He started ploughing the field as he would normally do. It was strange because most of the farmers had left the village for the fear of famine and drought. While he was ploughing the field, a small patch of cloud who was passing by, saw the farmer ploughing his dry field. He stopped and asked Rattanlal in wonder "Why are you ploughing the field when you know it will not rain this year?"
The farmer stopped, wiped his sweat from his forehead and said " However strange it may seem but if I don't plough my field and make quarries as I had been doing for years, I am afraid I will forget how to use my animals to plough and sow seeds. My animals will loose the stamina and strength and will die for lack of work. My mind and hands have become lazy and lethargic. I am a farmer and I should do what I am meant to do. I do not want to forget my skills. Thats all I have ! So here I am, keeping up with my practise".
Listening to farmers reasoning , the cloud got lost in thoughts! "Its been almost a year since I have used my showers. Have I forgotten to rain?" With these thoughts the cloud opened its shower to check. And lo! the farmer's toil was not wasted. Embarrassed cloud looked at the farmer and said "Just wanted to check my capacity!" Secretly the cloud felt extremely happy and proud of itself that it still had the same skill and power to rain! This made the cloud swell with pride and the whole sky was full of clouds.
The farmland smelt heavenly with long awaited shower. The rain was soaking it wet. The peacocks, dogs, rabbits and the children came out of their house in the open fields, dancing and singing in the rain to show their happiness and gratitude. Little raindrops brought a huge rainbow in the sky to share its' colour of happiness.
Intelligent farmer's determination did bring joy to the village.
Moral of the story;Don't give up. Use your intelligence to win over the situation.


  1. a story with a positive attitude,in these hardtimes we need to be reminded of our hidden talent and capacity to change our lives.continue such attempts.munni

  2. A simple story but worth perusing and following it.

  3. Hi sweet & sour
    you haven't put any new stories. I visit your site regularly in lieu of seeing something new and at the same time look at other info.
    hope to see some new inspiring stories
